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Committee on Public Education

Sandra D’Angelo, COPE Director-
The purpose of COPE is to both educate our members on political issues and to educate our local politicians about the concerns of our membership and public education. An important way to get involved is to pledge to our COPE drive for a pledge of $1.00 per paycheck for twenty-one pay periods.
2015-2016 COPE GOALS
  • To increase the number of LTA members participating in COPE.
  • To utilize the LTA Website to inform the LTA membership.
  • To disseminate the political agenda of the Lincoln Teachers’ Association, Rhode Island Federation of Teachers & Health Professionals, and American Federation of Teachers.
  • To advocate and support a change to the Rhode Island School Funding Formula in regards to charter school funding.
  • To support recommendation of the Lincoln High School Facilities Study Commission.
  • To support local politicians who support public education and Unionism.

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